Martha Mariam Vanitha Samajam
Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam (St Mary's Orthodox women's League) was founded in 1928 aimed at the spiritual progress of women of the Malankara Orthodox Church.
The founders named it "Marth Mariam Samajam"after the Blessed Virgin Mary whom they accepted as their interceding saint. It was started under the patronage of the Late Very Rev. M.C.Kuriakose Ramban and with the leadership of K.M Annamma. and co-workers.
Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam is one of the major spiritual organizations of the Holy Church that unties all female members. It is spread throughout the world in all the Dioceses and functioning in all parishes of the church.
Prarthikkuka, Pravarthikkuka, Prakasikkuka. (Pray, Act, and Shine)

• Preparing women to have Theological and Biblical knowledge by attending various courses, training, and seminars
• Encouraging women to participate in the church choir to improve the liturgical music in line with the Sruthi School of Liturgical Music, Kottayam, India
• Training women to have awareness of social problems and help with right decision-making at every level.
• Attempts to find out women's potentials to a greater extent to promote leadership qualities.
• Training women to conduct prayer groups, Bible classes, fellowship meetings and preach the gospel.
• Preparing to solve the problems of working women.
Our MMVS actively conducts various activities including: a weekly Friday Fasting prayer, charity fundraising, Bible reading activities, and many regional and diocesan level activities. Our MMVS is one of the most active spiritual organizations in the parish and we stive to stay engaged with all our members through our motto of Pray, Act and Shine.
What a joy to remember that she is our Mother! Since she loves us and knows our weakness, what have we to fear